Регистры Allwinner H616

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3.13.5. Super Standby Flag Register - адрес: 0x70001f8 (смещение: 0x01F8)

Часы реального времени RTC: список регистров

31 ||||||||||||||||| 16
15 ||||||||||||||||| 00


Bits 31 : 16

Key Field
Any value can be written and read back in the key field, but if the values are
not appropriate, the lower 16 bits will not change in this register. Only fellow
the appropriate process, the super standby flag can be written in the lower
16 bits.


Bits 15 : 0

When system is turned on, the low 16 bits of the value in the Super Standby
Flag Register should be 0x0. If software programmer wants to write correct
super standby flag ID in low 16 bits, the high 16 bits should be written with
0x16AA at first. Then, software programmer must write 0xAA16XXXX in the
Super Standby Flag Register, the ‘XXXX’ means the correct super standby flag

Команда U-Boot для чтения регистра

md 70001f8 1

Bit fields structure

typedef union  sp_stdby_flag_reg
   unsigned id. : 16;
   unsigned sp_stdby_flag : 16;
  } b;
   unsigned long w;

Allwinner H616 Manual