O_HcInterruptStatus Хост-контроллер USB2.0: список регистров 31 |•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•| 16 15 |•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•| 00 Unused Bits 31 : 7ROOT_HUB_STATUS_CHANGE Bit 6R/W 0x0 This bit is set when the content of HcRhStatus or the content of any of FRAME_NUMBER_OVERFLOW Bit 5R/W 0x0 This bit is set when the MSb of HcFmNumber (bit 15) changes value, from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0, and after HccaFrameNumber has been updated. UN_RECOVERABLE_ERROR Bit 4R/W 0x0 This bit is set when HC detects a system error not related to USB. RESUME_DETECTED Bit 3R/W 0x0 This bit is set when HC detects that a device on the USB is asserting resume signaling. START_OF_FRAME Bit 2R/W 0x0 This bit is set by HC at each start of frame and after the update of WRITE_BACK_DONE_HEAD Bit 1R/W 0x0 This bit is set immediately after HC has written HcDoneHead to HccaDoneHead. SCHEDULING_OVERRUN Bit 0R/W 0x0 This bit is set when the USB schedule for the current Frame overruns and after the update of HccaFrameNumber. Команда U-Boot для чтения регистра md 520040c 1md 531040c 1 md 531140c 1 Bit fields structuretypedef union o_hcinterruptstatus { struct { unsigned scheduling_overrun : 1; unsigned write_back_done_head : 1; unsigned start_of_frame : 1; unsigned resume_detected : 1; unsigned un_recoverable_error : 1; unsigned frame_number_overflow : 1; unsigned root_hub_status_change : 1; unsigned unused0 : 25; } b; unsigned long w; } O_HcInterruptStatus |