RU EN Chapt 4. Linux SDK - orangepi-build instruction 4.2.3. orangepi-build complete directory structure description
a. The git warehouse where the linux kernel source code is stored is as follows, pay attention to switch the branch of the linux-orangepi warehouse to
b) Linux6.1: orange-pi-6.1-sun50iw9
b. The git warehouse where the u-boot source code is stored is as follows, pay attention to switch the branch of the u-boot-orangepi warehouse to
b) v2021.07: v2021.07-sunxi
a. Compile the startup script
b. external: Contains the configuration files needed for compiling the image, scripts for specific functions, and the source code of some programs. The rootfs compressed package cached during the compiling process is also stored in external
c. kernel: Store the source code of the linux kernel
d. LICENSE: GPL 2 license file
e. orangepi-build documentation
f. output: Store compiled u-boot, linux and other deb packages, compilation logs, and compiled images and other files
g. scripts: General script for compiling linux images
h. toolchains: Store the cross-compilation toolchain
i. u-boot: Store the source code of u-boot
j. userpatches: Store the configuration files needed to compile the script