Коды игровых манипуляторов

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  • Vendor: Sony Corp.

  • Product: DualShock 4 [CUH-ZCT1x]

  • Строк: 28

    1. key BUTTON_X 0x130 [304]

    2. key BUTTON_1 0x13d [317]

    3. key BUTTON_MODE 0x13c [316]

    4. key BUTTON_START 0x139 [313]

    5. key BUTTON_SELECT 0x138 [312]

    6. key BUTTON_THUMBR 0x13b [315]

    7. key BUTTON_THUMBL 0x13a [314]

    8. key BUTTON_R2 0x137 [311]

    9. key BUTTON_L1 0x134 [308]

    10. key BUTTON_A 0x131 [305]

    11. key BUTTON_B 0x132 [306]

    12. key BUTTON_Y 0x133 [307]

    13. key BUTTON_L2 0x136 [310]

    14. key BUTTON_R1 0x135 [309]

    15. axis LTRIGGER 0x03 [3]

    16. axis HAT_Y 0x11 [17]

    17. axis HAT_X 0x10 [16]

    18. axis RZ 0x05 [5]

    19. axis Z 0x02 [2]

    20. axis Y 0x01 [1]

    21. axis X 0x00 [0]

    22. axis RTRIGGER 0x04 [4]

    23. sensor GYROSCOPE Y 0x04 [4]

    24. sensor GYROSCOPE X 0x03 [3]

    25. sensor ACCELEROMETER Z 0x02 [2]

    26. sensor ACCELEROMETER Y 0x01 [1]

    27. sensor ACCELEROMETER X 0x00 [0]

    28. sensor GYROSCOPE Z 0x05 [5]

  • Содержимое файла Vendor_054c_Product_05c4.kl

    # Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
    # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    # You may obtain a copy of the License at
    # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    # limitations under the License.

    # Sony Playstation(R) DualShock 4 Controller

    # Mapping according to https://developer.android.com/training/game-controllers/controller-input.html

    # Square
    key 0x130 BUTTON_X
    # Cross
    key 0x131 BUTTON_A
    # Circle
    key 0x132 BUTTON_B
    # Triangle
    key 0x133 BUTTON_Y

    key 0x134 BUTTON_L1
    key 0x135 BUTTON_R1
    key 0x136 BUTTON_L2
    key 0x137 BUTTON_R2

    # L2 axis
    axis 0x03 LTRIGGER
    # R2 axis
    axis 0x04 RTRIGGER

    # Left Analog Stick
    axis 0x00 X
    axis 0x01 Y
    # Right Analog Stick
    axis 0x02 Z
    axis 0x05 RZ

    # Left stick click
    key 0x13a BUTTON_THUMBL
    # Right stick click
    key 0x13b BUTTON_THUMBR

    # Hat
    axis 0x10 HAT_X
    axis 0x11 HAT_Y

    # Mapping according to https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/input/gamepad.txt
    # Share
    key 0x138 BUTTON_SELECT
    # Options
    key 0x139 BUTTON_START
    # PS key
    key 0x13c BUTTON_MODE

    # Touchpad press
    # The touchpad for this joystick will become a separate input device in future releases
    # and this button will be equivalent to left mouse button
    # Therefore, map it to KEYCODE_BUTTON_1 here to allow apps to still handle this on earlier versions
    key 0x13d BUTTON_1

    # SENSORs
    sensor 0x00 ACCELEROMETER X
    sensor 0x01 ACCELEROMETER Y
    sensor 0x02 ACCELEROMETER Z
    sensor 0x03 GYROSCOPE X
    sensor 0x04 GYROSCOPE Y
    sensor 0x05 GYROSCOPE Z