Vendor_057e_Product_2009.kl 1. key BUTTON_A 0x130 [304] 2. key BUTTON_THUMBR 0x13e [318] 3. key DPAD_UP 0x220 [544] 4. key DPAD_DOWN 0x221 [545] 5. key DPAD_LEFT 0x222 [546] 6. key DPAD_RIGHT 0x223 [547] 7. key BUTTON_SELECT 0x13a [314] 8. key BUTTON_START 0x13b [315] 9. key BUTTON_MODE 0x135 [309] 10. key HOME 0x13c [316] 11. key BUTTON_THUMBL 0x13d [317] 12. key BUTTON_L1 0x136 [310] 13. key BUTTON_B 0x131 [305] 14. key BUTTON_Y 0x133 [307] 15. key BUTTON_X 0x134 [308] 16. key BUTTON_R2 0x139 [313] 17. key BUTTON_L2 0x138 [312] 18. key BUTTON_R1 0x137 [311] 19. axis RZ 0x04 [4] 20. axis HAT_Y 0x11 [17] 21. axis HAT_X 0x10 [16] 22. axis X 0x00 [0] 23. axis Y 0x01 [1] 24. axis Z 0x03 [3] 25. sensor GYROSCOPE Y 0x04 [4] 26. sensor GYROSCOPE X 0x03 [3] 27. sensor ACCELEROMETER Z 0x02 [2] 28. sensor ACCELEROMETER Y 0x01 [1] 29. sensor ACCELEROMETER X 0x00 [0] 30. sensor GYROSCOPE Z 0x05 [5] Содержимое файла Vendor_057e_Product_2009.kl # Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
# Mapping according to
# Button labeled as "B" but should really produce keycode "A"
# Button labeled as "L"
# No LT / RT axes on this controller. Instead, there are keys.
# Left Analog Stick
# Left stick click (generates linux BTN_SELECT)
# Currently, the dpad produces key events
# Hat - currently not being produced by hid-nintendo, but an upcoming patch set will change the behaviour.
# Mapping according to
# Plus
# Circle
# Home key