Options RU EN
The following directives are allowed in CheckCaseOnly [mod_speling ] - Limits the action of the speling module to case corrections
CheckSpelling [mod_speling ] - Enables the spelling module
ContentDigest [core ] - Enables the generation of Content-MD5 HTTP Response headers
FilterChain [mod_filter ] - Configure the filter chain
FilterDeclare [mod_filter ] - Declare a smart filter
FilterProtocol [mod_filter ] - Deal with correct HTTP protocol handling
FilterProvider [mod_filter ] - Register a content filter
Options [core ] - Configures what features are available in a particular directory
ReflectorHeader [mod_reflector ] - Reflect an input header to the output headers
SSLOptions [mod_ssl ] - Configure various SSL engine run-time options
SSLProxyProtocol [mod_ssl ] - Configure usable SSL protocol flavors for proxy usage
XBitHack [mod_include ] - Parse SSI directives in files with the execute bit set