Apache. Документация на русском

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The following directives are allowed in .htaccess files when AllowOverride FileInfo is in effect. They give .htaccess users a wide range of control over the responses and metadata given by the server.

  • AcceptPathInfo [core] - Resources accept trailing pathname information

  • Action [mod_actions] - Activates a CGI script for a particular handler or content-type

  • AddCharset [mod_mime] - Maps the given filename extensions to the specified content charset

  • AddDefaultCharset [core] - Default charset parameter to be added when a response content-type is text/plain or text/html

  • AddEncoding [mod_mime] - Maps the given filename extensions to the specified encoding type

  • AddHandler [mod_mime] - Maps the filename extensions to the specified handler

  • AddInputFilter [mod_mime] - Maps filename extensions to the filters that will process client requests

  • AddLanguage [mod_mime] - Maps the given filename extension to the specified content language

  • AddOutputFilter [mod_mime] - Maps filename extensions to the filters that will process responses from the server

  • AddOutputFilterByType [mod_filter] - assigns an output filter to a particular media-type

  • AddType [mod_mime] - Maps the given filename extensions onto the specified content type

  • BrowserMatch [mod_setenvif] - Sets environment variables conditional on HTTP User-Agent

  • BrowserMatchNoCase [mod_setenvif] - Sets environment variables conditional on User-Agent without respect to case

  • CGIMapExtension [core] - Technique for locating the interpreter for CGI scripts

  • CGIVar [core] - Controls how some CGI variables are set

  • CharsetDefault [mod_charset_lite] - Charset to translate into

  • CharsetOptions [mod_charset_lite] - Configures charset translation behavior

  • CharsetSourceEnc [mod_charset_lite] - Source charset of files

  • CookieDomain [mod_usertrack] - The domain to which the tracking cookie applies

  • CookieExpires [mod_usertrack] - Expiry time for the tracking cookie

  • CookieName [mod_usertrack] - Name of the tracking cookie

  • CookieStyle [mod_usertrack] - Format of the cookie header field

  • CookieTracking [mod_usertrack] - Enables tracking cookie

  • DefaultLanguage [mod_mime] - Defines a default language-tag to be sent in the Content-Language header field for all resources in the current context that have not been assigned a language-tag by some other means.

  • DefaultType [core] - This directive has no effect other than to emit warnings if the value is not none . In prior versions, DefaultType would specify a default media type to assign to response content for which no other media type configuration could be found.

  • EnableMMAP [core] - Use memory-mapping to read files during delivery

  • EnableSendfile [core] - Use the kernel sendfile support to deliver files to the client

  • ErrorDocument [core] - What the server will return to the client in case of an error

  • FileETag [core] - File attributes used to create the ETag HTTP response header for static files

  • ForceLanguagePriority [mod_negotiation] - Action to take if a single acceptable document is not found

  • ForceType [core] - Forces all matching files to be served with the specified media type in the HTTP Content-Type header field

  • Header [mod_headers] - Configure HTTP response headers

  • ISAPIAppendLogToErrors [mod_isapi] - Record HSE_APPEND_LOG_PARAMETER requests from ISAPI extensions to the error log

  • ISAPIAppendLogToQuery [mod_isapi] - Record HSE_APPEND_LOG_PARAMETER requests from ISAPI extensions to the query field

  • ISAPIFakeAsync [mod_isapi] - Fake asynchronous support for ISAPI callbacks

  • ISAPILogNotSupported [mod_isapi] - Log unsupported feature requests from ISAPI extensions

  • ISAPIReadAheadBuffer [mod_isapi] - Size of the Read Ahead Buffer sent to ISAPI extensions

  • LanguagePriority [mod_negotiation] - The precedence of language variants for cases where the client does not express a preference

  • MultiviewsMatch [mod_mime] - The types of files that will be included when searching for a matching file with MultiViews

  • PassEnv [mod_env] - Passes environment variables from the shell

  • QualifyRedirectURL [core] - Controls whether the REDIRECT_URL environment variable is fully qualified

  • Redirect [mod_alias] - Sends an external redirect asking the client to fetch a different URL

  • RedirectMatch [mod_alias] - Sends an external redirect based on a regular expression match of the current URL

  • RedirectPermanent [mod_alias] - Sends an external permanent redirect asking the client to fetch a different URL

  • RedirectTemp [mod_alias] - Sends an external temporary redirect asking the client to fetch a different URL

  • RemoveCharset [mod_mime] - Removes any character set associations for a set of file extensions

  • RemoveEncoding [mod_mime] - Removes any content encoding associations for a set of file extensions

  • RemoveHandler [mod_mime] - Removes any handler associations for a set of file extensions

  • RemoveInputFilter [mod_mime] - Removes any input filter associations for a set of file extensions

  • RemoveLanguage [mod_mime] - Removes any language associations for a set of file extensions

  • RemoveOutputFilter [mod_mime] - Removes any output filter associations for a set of file extensions

  • RemoveType [mod_mime] - Removes any content type associations for a set of file extensions

  • RequestHeader [mod_headers] - Configure HTTP request headers

  • RewriteBase [mod_rewrite] - Sets the base URL for per-directory rewrites

  • RewriteCond [mod_rewrite] - Defines a condition under which rewriting will take place

  • RewriteEngine [mod_rewrite] - Enables or disables runtime rewriting engine

  • RewriteOptions [mod_rewrite] - Sets some special options for the rewrite engine

  • RewriteRule [mod_rewrite] - Defines rules for the rewriting engine

  • ScriptInterpreterSource [core] - Technique for locating the interpreter for CGI scripts

  • SetEnv [mod_env] - Sets environment variables

  • SetEnvIf [mod_setenvif] - Sets environment variables based on attributes of the request

  • SetEnvIfExpr [mod_setenvif] - Sets environment variables based on an ap_expr expression

  • SetEnvIfNoCase [mod_setenvif] - Sets environment variables based on attributes of the request without respect to case

  • SetHandler [core] - Forces all matching files to be processed by a handler

  • SetInputFilter [core] - Sets the filters that will process client requests and POST input

  • SetOutputFilter [core] - Sets the filters that will process responses from the server

  • Substitute [mod_substitute] - Pattern to filter the response content

  • SubstituteInheritBefore [mod_substitute] - Change the merge order of inherited patterns

  • SubstituteMaxLineLength [mod_substitute] - Set the maximum line size

  • UnsetEnv [mod_env] - Removes variables from the environment