Раздел: Education - Образование
- Marble - Virtual Globe
- Measure - Oscilloscope program for visualizing microphone input
- memento - An mpv-based video player for studying Japanese
- Mendeley - Mendeley is a free reference manager and an academic social network
- Meteo - Know the forecast of the next hours and days with data and maps at any city all around the world
- Metronomek - Trivial looking metronome with natural sounds and sophisticated possibilities
- Midnightmare Teddy - Shoot and survive
- Midterm: Notes & Flashcards - A free note-taking app for studying.
- Minuet - Music Education Software
- MMEX Money Manager - Organize finances and track cash flow
- mprime - Free Mersenne Prime Search Software
- Music Blocks - A collection of tools for exploring fundamental musical concepts in a fun way.
- Music Keyboard - Play music with this piano keyboard