ImageFan Reloaded [Графика и фото]
Light-weight tab-based image viewer, supporting multi-core processing
ImageFan Reloaded is a light-weight tab-based image viewer, supporting multi-core processing.
ImageFan Reloaded features mouse and key-based interaction using:
- the left mouse button for selecting tabs, folders and images, and for opening, zooming in and out, and dragging images
- the right mouse button for returning from the opened image to the main view
- the mouse wheel for scrolling through folders and thumbnails, and for navigating back and forward through opened images
- the key Tab for cycling though active tabs
- the keys W-A-S-D, Up-Down-Left-Right, Backspace-Space and PageUp-PageDown for back and forward navigation through thumbnails and opened images
- the keys Enter-Escape for entering into and exiting from image display modes