WineZGUI [Игры]
Wine GUI using Zenity
WineZGUI (pronounced Wine-Zee-Goo-Eee) is a wine frontend for playing windows games with wine easily. It is a collection of Bash scripts for Wine Prefix Management and Linux Desktop Integration for easier wine gaming experience using Zenity.
WineZGUI features:
- Runs windows games or exe files from file manager.
- Creates application shortcut for easier access.
- Separate prefix for every exe file launched with WineZGUI
- Imports other wine directory from Bottles, Wine, Lutris, Heroic Launcher into WineZGUI and create shortcuts for all found exes.
- Imported wine directory from lutris or bottles may require: winetricks vkd3d dxvk
- Backup and Restore prefixes for later use.
- Runners (different builds of wine like proton) can be used with prefixes.
- Create Game Bundles for sharing (prefix+game+runner).
- Open Terminal/Shell supports konsole, gnome-terminal, xfce4-terminal.