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   ssh_config    ( 5 )

файл конфигурации клиента OpenSSH (OpenSSH client configuration file)

  Name  |  Description  |  Patterns  |    Tokens    |  Environment variables  |  Files  |  See also  |


Arguments to some keywords can make use of tokens, which are
     expanded at runtime:

%% A literal '%'. %C Hash of %l%h%p%r. %d Local user's home directory. %f The fingerprint of the server's host key. %H The known_hosts hostname or address that is being searched for. %h The remote hostname. %I A string describing the reason for a KnownHostsCommand execution: either ADDRESS when looking up a host by address (only when CheckHostIP is enabled), HOSTNAME when searching by hostname, or ORDER when preparing the host key algorithm preference list to use for the destination host. %i The local user ID. %K The base64 encoded host key. %k The host key alias if specified, otherwise the original remote hostname given on the command line. %L The local hostname. %l The local hostname, including the domain name. %n The original remote hostname, as given on the command line. %p The remote port. %r The remote username. %T The local tun(4) or tap(4) network interface assigned if tunnel forwarding was requested, or "NONE" otherwise. %t The type of the server host key, e.g. ssh-ed25519. %u The local username.

CertificateFile, ControlPath, IdentityAgent, IdentityFile, KnownHostsCommand, LocalForward, Match exec, RemoteCommand, RemoteForward, and UserKnownHostsFile accept the tokens %%, %C, %d, %h, %i, %k, %L, %l, %n, %p, %r, and %u.

KnownHostsCommand additionally accepts the tokens %f, %H, %I, %K and %t.

Hostname accepts the tokens %% and %h.

LocalCommand accepts all tokens.

ProxyCommand accepts the tokens %%, %h, %n, %p, and %r.