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   tc-hfcs    ( 7 )

кривая иерархического добросовестного обслуживания (Hierarchical Fair Service Curve)


LS criterion's task is to distribute bandwidth according to
       specified class hierarchy. Contrary to RT criterion, there're no
       comparisons between current real time and virtual time - the
       decision is based solely on direct comparison of virtual times of
       all active subclasses - the one with the smallest vt wins and
       gets scheduled. One immediate conclusion from this fact is that
       absolute values don't matter - only ratios between them (so for
       example, two children classes with simple linear 1Mbit service
       curves will get the same treatment from LS criterion's
       perspective, as if they were 5Mbit). The other conclusion is,
       that in perfectly fluid system with linear curves, all virtual
       times across whole class hierarchy would be equal.

Why is VC defined in term of virtual time (and what is it)?

Imagine an example: class A with two children - A1 and A2, both with let's say 10Mbit SCs. If A2 is idle, A1 receives all the bandwidth of A (and update its V() in the process). When A2 becomes active, A1's virtual time is already far later than A2's one. Considering the type of decision made by LS criterion, A1 would become idle for a long time. We can workaround this situation by adjusting virtual time of the class becoming active - we do that by getting such time "up to date". HFSC uses a mean of the smallest and the biggest virtual time of currently active children fit for sending. As it's not real time anymore (excluding trivial case of situation where all classes become active at the same time, and never become idle), it's called virtual time.

Such approach has its price though. The problem is analogous to what was presented in previous section and is caused by non-linearity of service curves:

1) either it's impossible to guarantee service curves and satisfy fairness during certain time periods:

Recall the example from RT section, slightly modified (with 3Mbit slopes instead of 2Mbit ones):

• 1st class - 3Mbit for 100ms, then 7Mbit (convex - 1st slope < 2nd slope)

• 2nd class - 7Mbit for 100ms, then 3Mbit (concave - 1st slope > 2nd slope)

They sum up nicely to 10Mbit - the interface's capacity. But if we wanted to only use LS for guarantees and fairness - it simply won't work. In LS context, only V() is used for making decision which class to schedule. If the 2nd class becomes active when the 1st one is in its second slope, the fairness will be preserved - ratio will be 1:1 (7Mbit:7Mbit), but LS itself is of course unable to guarantee the absolute values themselves - as it would have to go beyond of what the interface is capable of.

2) and/or it's impossible to guarantee service curves of all classes at the same time [fairly or not]:

This is similar to the above case, but a bit more subtle. We will consider two subtrees, arbitrated by their common (root here) parent:

R (root) - 10Mbit

A - 7Mbit, then 3Mbit A1 - 5Mbit, then 2Mbit A2 - 2Mbit, then 1Mbit

B - 3Mbit, then 7Mbit

R arbitrates between left subtree (A) and right (B). Assume that A2 and B are constantly backlogged, and at some later point A1 becomes backlogged (when all other classes are in their 2nd linear part).

What happens now? B (choice made by R) will always get 7 Mbit as R is only (obviously) concerned with the ratio between its direct children. Thus A subtree gets 3Mbit, but its children would want (at the point when A1 became backlogged) 5Mbit + 1Mbit. That's of course impossible, as they can only get 3Mbit due to interface limitation.

In the left subtree - we have the same situation as previously (fair split between A1 and A2, but violated guarantees), but in the whole tree - there's no fairness (B got 7Mbit, but A1 and A2 have to fit together in 3Mbit) and there's no guarantees for all classes (only B got what it wanted). Even if we violated fairness in the A subtree and set A2's service curve to 0, A1 would still not get the required bandwidth.