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   pmdaopenmetrics    ( 1 )

openMetrics PMDA (OpenMetrics PMDA)

Описание (Description)

pmdaopenmetrics is a Performance Metrics Domain Agent (PMDA)
       which dynamically creates PCP metrics from configured OpenMetrics
       endpoints, which provide HTTP based access to application
       metrics.  The PMDA essentially implements a bridge between
       Prometheus and PCP, allowing PCP to easily ingest performance
       data from more than 650 registered end-points and many other
       application specific end-points.

The default config directory is $PCP_PMDAS_DIR/openmetrics/config.d/, see ``CONFIGURATION SOURCES'' below. The default URL fetch timeout is 2 seconds. The default user, if not specified with the -u option, is the current user. If the -n option is given, the list of configuration files will not be sorted prior to processing. This list is sorted by default but that can be expensive if there are a large number of configuration files (URLs and/or scripts).

If the -D option is given, additional diagnostic messages will be written to the PMDA log file, which is $PCP_LOG_DIR/pmcd/openmetrics.log by default (see also -lbelow). In addition, the metric openmetrics.control.debug controls the same debug flag and can be set with the following command: pmstore openmetrics.control.debug value where value is either 1 (to enable verbose log messages) or 0 (to disable verbose log messages). This is particularly useful for examining the http headers passed to each fetch request, filter settings and other processing details that are logged when the debugging flag is enabled.

The -d option may be used to override the default performance metrics domain number, which defaults to 144. It is strongly recommended not to change this. The domain number should be different for every PMDA on the one host, and the same domain number should be used for pmdaopenmetrics PMDA on all hosts. See also the -r option, which allows the root of the dynamic namespace to be changed from the default openmetrics.

The -l option may be used to specify logfile as the destination for PMDA messages instead of the default, $PCP_LOG_DIR/pmcd/openmetrics.log. As a special case, logfile may be "-" to send messages to the stderr stream instead, e.g. -l-. This would normally be the stderr stream for the parent process, pmcd(1), which may itself have redirected stderr. This redirection is normally most useful in a containerized environment, or when using dbpmda(1).

The -r option allows the root of the dynamic namespace to be changed to root from the default, openmetrics. In conjunction with other command line options, this allows pmdaopenmetrics to be deployed as a different PMDA with distinct metrics namespace and metrics domain on the same host system. Note that all PMDAs require a unique domain number so the -d option must also be specified. Use of the -r option may also change the defaults for some other command line options, e.g. the default log file name and the default configuration directory.