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   ovn-nbctl    ( 8 )

утилита управления базами данных Open Virtual Network на севере (Open Virtual Network northbound db management utility)


[--may-exist] qos-add switch direction priority match [dscp=dscp]
       [rate=rate [burst=burst]]
              Adds QoS marking and metering rules to switch. direction
              must be either from-lport or to-lport. priority must be
              between 0 and 32767, inclusive.

If dscp=dscp is specified, then matching packets will have DSCP marking applied. dscp must be between 0 and 63, inclusive. If rate=rate is specified then matching packets will have metering applied at rate kbps. If metering is configured, then burst=burst specifies the burst rate limit in kilobits. dscp and/or rate are required arguments.

If --may-exist is specified, adding a duplicated QoS rule succeeds but the QoS rule is not really created. Without --may-exist, adding a duplicated QoS rule results in error.

qos-del switch [direction [priority match]] Deletes QoS rules from switch. If only switch is supplied, all the QoS rules from the logical switch are deleted. If direction is also specified, then all the flows in that direction will be deleted from the logical switch. If all the fields are supplied, then a single flow that matches the given fields will be deleted.

qos-list switch Lists the QoS rules on switch.