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   pam_echo    ( 8 )

модуль PAM для печати текстовых сообщений (PAM module for printing text messages)

Имя (Name)

pam_echo - PAM module for printing text messages

Синопсис (Synopsis)

pam_echo.so [file=/path/message]

Описание (Description)

The pam_echo PAM module is for printing text messages to inform
       user about special things. Sequences starting with the %
       character are interpreted in the following way:

%H The name of the remote host (PAM_RHOST).

%h The name of the local host.

%s The service name (PAM_SERVICE).

%t The name of the controlling terminal (PAM_TTY).

%U The remote user name (PAM_RUSER).

%u The local user name (PAM_USER).

All other sequences beginning with % expands to the characters following the % character.

Параметры (Options)

           The content of the file /path/message will be printed with
           the PAM conversion function as PAM_TEXT_INFO.

Предоставляемые типы модулей (Module types provided)

All module types (auth, account, password and session) are

Возвращаемое значение (Return value)

           Memory buffer error.

PAM_SUCCESS Message was successful printed.

PAM_IGNORE PAM_SILENT flag was given or message file does not exist, no message printed.

Примеры (Examples)

For an example of the use of this module, we show how it may be
       used to print information about good passwords:

password optional pam_echo.so file=/usr/share/doc/good-password.txt password required pam_unix.so

Смотри также (See also)

pam.conf(8), pam.d(5), pam(8)