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   prs.1p    ( 1 )

распечатать файл SCCS (РАЗРАБОТКА) (print an SCCS file (DEVELOPMENT))

Стандартный вывод (Stdout)

The standard output shall be a text file whose format is
       dependent on the data keywords specified with the -d option.

Data Keywords Data keywords specify which parts of an SCCS file shall be retrieved and output. All parts of an SCCS file have an associated data keyword. A data keyword may appear in a dataspec multiple times.

The information written by prs shall consist of:

1. The user-supplied text

2. Appropriate values (extracted from the SCCS file) substituted for the recognized data keywords in the order of appearance in the dataspec

The format of a data keyword value shall either be simple ('S'), in which keyword substitution is direct, or multi-line ('M').

User-supplied text shall be any text other than recognized data keywords. A <tab> shall be specified by '\t' and <newline> by '\n'. When the -r option is not specified, the default dataspec shall be:


and the following dataspec shall be used for each selected delta:


┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ SCCS File Data Keywords │ ├────────┬────────────────────────────────┬──────────────┬───────────────────┬────────┤ │Keyword Data Item File Section Value Format │ ├────────┼────────────────────────────────┼──────────────┼───────────────────┼────────┤ │:Dt: │ Delta information │ Delta Table │ See below* │ S │ │:DL: │ Delta line statistics │ " │ :Li:/:Ld:/:Lu: │ S │ │:Li: │ Lines inserted by Delta │ " │ nnnnn*** │ S │ │:Ld: │ Lines deleted by Delta │ " │ nnnnn*** │ S │ │:Lu: │ Lines unchanged by Delta │ " │ nnnnn*** │ S │ │:DT: │ Delta type │ " │ D or R │ S │ │:I: │ SCCS ID string (SID) │ " │ See below** │ S │ │:R: │ Release number │ " │ nnnn │ S │ │:L: │ Level number │ " │ nnnn │ S │ │:B: │ Branch number │ " │ nnnn │ S │ │:S: │ Sequence number │ " │ nnnn │ S │ │:D: │ Date delta created │ " │ :Dy:/:Dm:/:Dd: │ S │ │:Dy: │ Year delta created │ " │ nn │ S │ │:Dm: │ Month delta created │ " │ nn │ S │ │:Dd: │ Day delta created │ " │ nn │ S │ │:T: │ Time delta created │ " │ :Th:::Tm:::Ts: │ S │ │:Th: │ Hour delta created │ " │ nn │ S │ │:Tm: │ Minutes delta created │ " │ nn │ S │ │:Ts: │ Seconds delta created │ " │ nn │ S │ │:P: │ Programmer who created Delta │ " │ logname │ S │ │:DS: │ Delta sequence number │ " │ nnnn │ S │ │:DP: │ Predecessor Delta sequence │ " │ nnnn │ S │ │ │ number │ │ │ │ │:DI: │ Sequence number of deltas │ " │ :Dn:/:Dx:/:Dg: │ S │ │ │ included, excluded, or ignored │ │ │ │ │:Dn: │ Deltas included (sequence #) │ " │ :DS: :DS: ... │ S │ │:Dx: │ Deltas excluded (sequence #) │ " │ :DS: :DS: ... │ S │ │:Dg: │ Deltas ignored (sequence #) │ " │ :DS: :DS: ... │ S │ │:MR: │ MR numbers for delta │ " │ text │ M │ │:C: │ Comments for delta │ " │ text │ M │ │:UN: │ User names │ User Names │ text │ M │ │:FL: │ Flag list │ Flags │ text │ M │ │:Y: │ Module type flag │ " │ text │ S │ │:MF: │ MR validation flag │ " │ yes or no │ S │ │:MP: │ MR validation program name │ " │ text │ S │ │:KF: │ Keyword error, warning flag │ " │ yes or no │ S │ │:KV: │ Keyword validation string │ " │ text │ S │ │:BF: │ Branch flag │ " │ yes or no │ S │ │:J: │ Joint edit flag │ " │ yes or no │ S │ │:LK: │ Locked releases │ " │ :R: ... │ S │ │:Q: │ User-defined keyword │ " │ text │ S │ │:M: │ Module name │ " │ text │ S │ │:FB: │ Floor boundary │ " │ :R: │ S │ │:CB: │ Ceiling boundary │ " │ :R: │ S │ │:Ds: │ Default SID │ " │ :I: │ S │ │:ND: │ Null delta flag │ " │ yes or no │ S │ │:FD: │ File descriptive text │ Comments │ text │ M │ │:BD: │ Body │ Body │ text │ M │ │:GB: │ Gotten body │ " │ text │ M │ │:W: │ A form of what string │ N/A │ :Z::M:\t:I: │ S │ │:A: │ A form of what string │ N/A │ :Z::Y: :M: :I::Z: │ S │ │:Z: what string delimiter │ N/A │ @(#) │ S │ │:F: │ SCCS filename │ N/A │ text │ S │ │:PN: │ SCCS file pathname │ N/A │ text │ S │ └────────┴────────────────────────────────┴──────────────┴───────────────────┴────────┘ * :Dt:=:DT: :I: :D: :T: :P: :DS: :DP:

** :R:.:L:.:B:.:S: if the delta is a branch delta (:BF:==yes) :R:.:L: if the delta is not a branch delta (:BF:==no)

*** The line statistics are capped at 99999. For example, if 100000 lines were unchanged in a certain revision, :Lu: shall produce the value 99999.