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   rsync    ( 1 )

быстрый, универсальный, удаленный (и локальный) инструмент для копирования файлов (a fast, versatile, remote (and local) file-copying tool)

Переменные окружения (Environment variables)

              The CVSIGNORE environment variable supplements any ignore
              patterns in .cvsignore files.  See the --cvs-exclude
              option for more details.

RSYNC_ICONV Specify a default --iconv setting using this environment variable. (First supported in 3.0.0.)

RSYNC_PROTECT_ARGS Specify a non-zero numeric value if you want the --protect-args option to be enabled by default, or a zero value to make sure that it is disabled by default. (First supported in 3.1.0.)

RSYNC_RSH The RSYNC_RSH environment variable allows you to override the default shell used as the transport for rsync. Command line options are permitted after the command name, just as in the -e option.

RSYNC_PROXY The RSYNC_PROXY environment variable allows you to redirect your rsync client to use a web proxy when connecting to a rsync daemon. You should set RSYNC_PROXY to a hostname:port pair.

RSYNC_PASSWORD Setting RSYNC_PASSWORD to the required password allows you to run authenticated rsync connections to an rsync daemon without user intervention. Note that this does not supply a password to a remote shell transport such as ssh; to learn how to do that, consult the remote shell's documentation.

USER or LOGNAME The USER or LOGNAME environment variables are used to determine the default username sent to an rsync daemon. If neither is set, the username defaults to "nobody".

HOME The HOME environment variable is used to find the user's default .cvsignore file.