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   sed.1p    ( 1 )

редактор потока (stream editor)

Обоснование (Rationale)

This volume of POSIX.1‐2017 requires implementations to support
       at least ten distinct wfiles, matching historical practice on
       many implementations. Implementations are encouraged to support
       more, but conforming applications should not exceed this limit.

The exit status codes specified here are different from those in System V. System V returns 2 for garbled sed commands, but returns zero with its usage message or if the input file could not be opened. The standard developers considered this to be a bug.

The manner in which the l command writes non-printable characters was changed to avoid the historical backspace-overstrike method, and other requirements to achieve unambiguous output were added. See the RATIONALE for ed(1p) for details of the format chosen, which is the same as that chosen for sed.

This volume of POSIX.1‐2017 requires implementations to provide pattern and hold spaces of at least 8192 bytes, larger than the 4000 bytes spaces used by some historical implementations, but less than the 20480 bytes limit used in an early proposal. Implementations are encouraged to allocate dynamically larger pattern and hold spaces as needed.

The requirements for acceptance of <blank> and <space> characters in command lines has been made more explicit than in early proposals to describe clearly the historical practice and to remove confusion about the phrase ``protect initial blanks [sic] and tabs from the stripping that is done on every script line'' that appears in much of the historical documentation of the sed utility description of text. (Not all implementations are known to have stripped <blank> characters from text lines, although they all have allowed leading <blank> characters preceding the address on a command line.)

The treatment of '#' comments differs from the SVID which only allows a comment as the first line of the script, but matches BSD-derived implementations. The comment character is treated as a command, and it has the same properties in terms of being accepted with leading <blank> characters; the BSD implementation has historically supported this.

Early proposals required that a script_file have at least one non-comment line. Some historical implementations have behaved in unexpected ways if this were not the case. The standard developers considered that this was incorrect behavior and that application developers should not have to avoid this feature. A correct implementation of this volume of POSIX.1‐2017 shall permit script_files that consist only of comment lines.

Early proposals indicated that if -e and -f options were intermixed, all -e options were processed before any -f options. This has been changed to process them in the order presented because it matches historical practice and is more intuitive.

The treatment of the p flag to the s command differs between System V and BSD-based systems when the default output is suppressed. In the two examples:

echo a | sed 's/a/A/p' echo a | sed -n 's/a/A/p'

this volume of POSIX.1‐2017, BSD, System V documentation, and the SVID indicate that the first example should write two lines with A, whereas the second should write one. Some System V systems write the A only once in both examples because the p flag is ignored if the -n option is not specified.

This is a case of a diametrical difference between systems that could not be reconciled through the compromise of declaring the behavior to be unspecified. The SVID/BSD/System V documentation behavior was adopted for this volume of POSIX.1‐2017 because:

* No known documentation for any historic system describes the interaction between the p flag and the -n option.

* The selected behavior is more correct as there is no technical justification for any interaction between the p flag and the -n option. A relationship between -n and the p flag might imply that they are only used together, but this ignores valid scripts that interrupt the cyclical nature of the processing through the use of the D, d, q, or branching commands. Such scripts rely on the p suffix to write the pattern space because they do not make use of the default output at the ``bottom'' of the script.

* Because the -n option makes the p flag unnecessary, any interaction would only be useful if sed scripts were written to run both with and without the -n option. This is believed to be unlikely. It is even more unlikely that programmers have coded the p flag expecting it to be unnecessary. Because the interaction was not documented, the likelihood of a programmer discovering the interaction and depending on it is further decreased.

* Finally, scripts that break under the specified behavior produce too much output instead of too little, which is easier to diagnose and correct.

The form of the substitute command that uses the n suffix was limited to the first 512 matches in an early proposal. This limit has been removed because there is no reason an editor processing lines of {LINE_MAX} length should have this restriction. The command s/a/A/2047 should be able to substitute the 2047th occurrence of a on a line.

The b, t, and : commands are documented to ignore leading white space, but no mention is made of trailing white space. Historical implementations of sed assigned different locations to the labels 'x' and "x ". This is not useful, and leads to subtle programming errors, but it is historical practice, and changing it could theoretically break working scripts. Implementors are encouraged to provide warning messages about labels that are never referenced by a b or t command, jumps to labels that do not exist, and label arguments that are subject to truncation.

Earlier versions of this standard allowed for implementations with bytes other than eight bits, but this has been modified in this version.