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   sed.1p    ( 1 )

редактор потока (stream editor)

Использование в приложениях (Application usage)

Regular expressions match entire strings, not just individual
       lines, but a <newline> is matched by '\n' in a sed RE; a
       <newline> is not allowed by the general definition of regular
       expression in POSIX.1‐2008. Also note that '\n' cannot be used to
       match a <newline> at the end of an arbitrary input line;
       <newline> characters appear in the pattern space as a result of
       the N editing command.

When using sed to process pathnames, it is recommended that LC_ALL, or at least LC_CTYPE and LC_COLLATE, are set to POSIX or C in the environment, since pathnames can contain byte sequences that do not form valid characters in some locales, in which case the utility's behavior would be undefined. In the POSIX locale each byte is a valid single-byte character, and therefore this problem is avoided.