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   strace-log-merge    ( 1 )

объединить strace -ff -tt вывод (merge strace -ff -tt output)

Имя (Name)

strace-log-merge - merge strace -ff -tt output

Синопсис (Synopsis)

strace-log-merge STRACE_LOG

strace-log-merge --help

Описание (Description)

strace-log-merge merges the output of strace -ff -tt[t] command,
       prepending PID to each line and sorting the result using time
       stamp as a key.

Параметры (Options)

--help Show program usage and exit.

STRACE_LOG Output file name prefix of files produced by a strace -ff -tt[t] command.

Статус выхода (Exit)

0      Success

Non-zero Error occurred: either no argument specified (in that case a usage is printed), or something went wrong during the processing of STRACE_LOG.* files.

Примеры использования (Usage example)

$ strace -o sleepy -ff -tt -e trace=execve,nanosleep \
               sh -c 'sleep 0.1 & sleep 0.2 & sleep 0.3'
       $ strace-log-merge sleepy | fold -w 72 -s
       13475 21:13:52.040837 execve("/bin/sh", ["sh", "-c", "sleep 0.1 & sleep
       0.2 & sleep 0."...], 0x7ffde54b2450 /* 33 vars */) = 0
       13478 21:13:52.044050 execve("/bin/sleep", ["sleep", "0.3"],
       0x5631be4f87a8 /* 33 vars */) = 0
       13476 21:13:52.044269 execve("/bin/sleep", ["sleep", "0.1"],
       0x5631be4f87a8 /* 33 vars */) = 0
       13477 21:13:52.044389 execve("/bin/sleep", ["sleep", "0.2"],
       0x5631be4f87a8 /* 33 vars */) = 0
       13478 21:13:52.046207 nanosleep({tv_sec=0, tv_nsec=300000000}, NULL) = 0
       13476 21:13:52.046303 nanosleep({tv_sec=0, tv_nsec=100000000}, NULL) = 0
       13477 21:13:52.046318 nanosleep({tv_sec=0, tv_nsec=200000000}, NULL) = 0
       13476 21:13:52.146852 +++ exited with 0 +++
       13475 21:13:52.146942 --- SIGCHLD {si_signo=SIGCHLD,
       si_code=CLD_EXITED, si_pid=13476, si_uid=1000, si_status=0, si_utime=0,
       si_stime=0} ---
       13477 21:13:52.247782 +++ exited with 0 +++
       13475 21:13:52.247885 --- SIGCHLD {si_signo=SIGCHLD,
       si_code=CLD_EXITED, si_pid=13477, si_uid=1000, si_status=0, si_utime=0,
       si_stime=0} ---
       13478 21:13:52.347680 +++ exited with 0 +++
       13475 21:13:52.347786 --- SIGCHLD {si_signo=SIGCHLD,
       si_code=CLD_EXITED, si_pid=13478, si_uid=1000, si_status=0, si_utime=0,
       si_stime=0} ---
       13475 21:13:52.348069 +++ exited with 0 +++

Примечание (Note)

strace-log-merge does not work well with strace logs generated by
       strace -tt invocation that pass midnight, as those lack the
       information required for the proper sorting.  Employing the -ttt
       option in the respective strace invocation should solve the

Ошибки (баги) (Bugs)

strace-log-merge does not perform any checks whether the files
       specified are in the correct format and implies that only files
       from a single strace session match STRACE_LOG.*  glob pattern.

История (History)

The initial version of strace-log-merge was written by Denys
       Vlasenko in 2012.

Сообщение об ошибках (Reporting bugs)

Problems with strace-log-merge should be reported to the strace
       mailing list at <strace-devel@lists.strace.io>.

Смотри также (See also)
