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   stty.1p    ( 1 )

установить параметры для терминала (set the options for a terminal)

Обоснование (Rationale)

The original stty description was taken directly from System V
       and reflected the System V terminal driver termio.  It has been
       modified to correspond to the terminal driver termios.

Output modes are specified only for XSI-conformant systems. All implementations are expected to provide stty operands corresponding to all of the output modes they support.

The stty utility is primarily used to tailor the user interface of the terminal, such as selecting the preferred ERASE and KILL characters. As an application programming utility, stty can be used within shell scripts to alter the terminal settings for the duration of the script.

The termios section states that individual disabling of control characters is possible through the option _POSIX_VDISABLE. If enabled, two conventions currently exist for specifying this: System V uses "^-", and BSD uses undef. Both are accepted by stty in this volume of POSIX.1‐2017. The other BSD convention of using the letter 'u' was rejected because it conflicts with the actual letter 'u', which is an acceptable value for a control character.

Early proposals did not specify the mapping of "^c" to control characters because the control characters were not specified in the POSIX locale character set description file requirements. The control character set is now specified in the Base Definitions volume of POSIX.1‐2017, Chapter 3, Definitions, so the historical mapping is specified. Note that although the mapping corresponds to control-character key assignments on many terminals that use the ISO/IEC 646:1991 standard (or ASCII) character encodings, the mapping specified here is to the control characters, not their keyboard encodings.

Since termios supports separate speeds for input and output, two new options were added to specify each distinctly.

Some historical implementations use standard input to get and set terminal characteristics; others use standard output. Since input from a login TTY is usually restricted to the owner while output to a TTY is frequently open to anyone, using standard input provides fewer chances of accidentally (or maliciously) altering the terminal settings of other users. Using standard input also allows stty -a and stty -g output to be redirected for later use. Therefore, usage of standard input is required by this volume of POSIX.1‐2017.