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   setup    ( 2 )

установка устройств и файловых систем, монтирование корневой файловой системы (setup devices and filesystems, mount root filesystem)

Имя (Name)

setup - setup devices and filesystems, mount root filesystem

Синопсис (Synopsis)

#include <unistd.h>

int setup(void);

Описание (Description)

setup() is called once from within linux/init/main.c.  It calls
       initialization functions for devices and filesystems configured
       into the kernel and then mounts the root filesystem.

No user process may call setup(). Any user process, even a process with superuser permission, will receive EPERM.

Возвращаемое значение (Return value)

setup() always returns -1 for a user process.

Ошибки (Error)

EPERM  Always, for a user process.

Версии (Versions)

Since Linux 2.1.121, no such function exists anymore.

Стандарты (Conforming to)

This function is Linux-specific, and should not be used in
       programs intended to be portable, or indeed in any programs at

Примечание (Note)

The calling sequence varied: at some times setup() has had a
       single argument void *BIOS and at other times a single argument
       int magic.