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   dpkg-gensymbols    ( 1 )

генерировать файлы символов (информация о зависимостях разделяемой библиотеки) (generate symbols files (shared library dependency information))

  Name  |  Synopsis  |    Description    |  Maintaining symbols files  |  Options  |  Environment  |  See also  |

Описание (Description)

dpkg-gensymbols scans a temporary build tree (debian/tmp by
       default) looking for libraries and generates a symbols file
       describing them. This file, if non-empty, is then installed in
       the DEBIAN subdirectory of the build tree so that it ends up
       included in the control information of the package.

When generating those files, it uses as input some symbols files provided by the maintainer. It looks for the following files (and uses the first that is found):

• debian/package.symbols.arch

• debian/symbols.arch

• debian/package.symbols

• debian/symbols

The main interest of those files is to provide the minimal version associated to each symbol provided by the libraries. Usually it corresponds to the first version of that package that provided the symbol, but it can be manually incremented by the maintainer if the ABI of the symbol is extended without breaking backwards compatibility. It's the responsibility of the maintainer to keep those files up-to-date and accurate, but dpkg-gensymbols helps with that.

When the generated symbols files differ from the maintainer supplied one, dpkg-gensymbols will print a diff between the two versions. Furthermore if the difference is too significant, it will even fail (you can customize how much difference you can tolerate, see the -c option).