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   expect    ( 1 )

программный диалог с интерактивными программами, Версия 5 (programmed dialogue with interactive programs, Version 5)

Предостережение (Caveat)

Extensions may collide with Expect's command names.  For example,
       send is defined by Tk for an entirely different purpose.  For
       this reason, most of the Expect commands are also available as
       "exp_XXXX".  Commands and variables beginning with "exp",
       "inter", "spawn", and "timeout" do not have aliases.  Use the
       extended command names if you need this compatibility between

Expect takes a rather liberal view of scoping. In particular, variables read by commands specific to the Expect program will be sought first from the local scope, and if not found, in the global scope. For example, this obviates the need to place "global timeout" in every procedure you write that uses expect. On the other hand, variables written are always in the local scope (unless a "global" command has been issued). The most common problem this causes is when spawn is executed in a procedure. Outside the procedure, spawn_id no longer exists, so the spawned process is no longer accessible simply because of scoping. Add a "global spawn_id" to such a procedure.

If you cannot enable the multispawning capability (i.e., your system supports neither select (BSD *.*), poll (SVR>2), nor something equivalent), Expect will only be able to control a single process at a time. In this case, do not attempt to set spawn_id, nor should you execute processes via exec while a spawned process is running. Furthermore, you will not be able to expect from multiple processes (including the user as one) at the same time.

Terminal parameters can have a big effect on scripts. For example, if a script is written to look for echoing, it will misbehave if echoing is turned off. For this reason, Expect forces sane terminal parameters by default. Unfortunately, this can make things unpleasant for other programs. As an example, the emacs shell wants to change the "usual" mappings: newlines get mapped to newlines instead of carriage-return newlines, and echoing is disabled. This allows one to use emacs to edit the input line. Unfortunately, Expect cannot possibly guess this.

You can request that Expect not override its default setting of terminal parameters, but you must then be very careful when writing scripts for such environments. In the case of emacs, avoid depending upon things like echoing and end-of-line mappings.

The commands that accepted arguments braced into a single list (the expect variants and interact) use a heuristic to decide if the list is actually one argument or many. The heuristic can fail only in the case when the list actually does represent a single argument which has multiple embedded \n's with non- whitespace characters between them. This seems sufficiently improbable, however the argument "-nobrace" can be used to force a single argument to be handled as a single argument. This could conceivably be used with machine-generated Expect code. Similarly, -brace forces a single argument to be handle as multiple patterns/actions.