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   fort77.1p    ( 1 )

компилятор ФОРТРАНА (FORTRAN) (FORTRAN compiler (FORTRAN))

Описание (Description)

The fort77 utility is the interface to the FORTRAN compilation
       system; it shall accept the full FORTRAN-77 language defined by
       the ANSI X3.9‐1978 standard. The system conceptually consists of
       a compiler and link editor. The files referenced by operands are
       compiled and linked to produce an executable file. It is
       unspecified whether the linking occurs entirely within the
       operation of fort77; some implementations may produce objects
       that are not fully resolved until the file is executed.

If the -c option is present, for all pathname operands of the form file.f, the files:

$(basename pathname.f).o

shall be created or overwritten as the result of successful compilation. If the -c option is not specified, it is unspecified whether such .o files are created or deleted for the file.f operands.

If there are no options that prevent link editing (such as -c) and all operands compile and link without error, the resulting executable file shall be written into the file named by the -o option (if present) or to the file a.out. The executable file shall be created as specified in the System Interfaces volume of POSIX.1‐2017, except that the file permissions shall be set to: S_IRWXO | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXU

and that the bits specified by the umask of the process shall be cleared.