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   gcov-dump    ( 1 )

автономный инструмент для создания дампа профиля gcda и gcno (offline gcda and gcno profile dump tool)

Имя (Name)

gcov-dump - offline gcda and gcno profile dump tool

Синопсис (Synopsis)

gcov-dump [-v|--version]

Описание (Description)

gcov-dump is a tool you can use in conjunction with GCC to dump
       content of gcda and gcno profile files offline.

Параметры (Options)

           Display help about using gcov-dump (on the standard output),
           and exit without doing any further processing.

-l --long Dump content of records.

-p --positions Dump positions of records.

-v --version Display the gcov-dump version number (on the standard output), and exit without doing any further processing.