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   git-checkout    ( 1 )

смена ветвей или восстановление файлов рабочего дерева (Switch branches or restore working tree files)

  Name  |  Synopsis  |  Description  |  Options  |  Detached head  |    Argument disambiguation    |  Examples  |  See also  |


When there is only one argument given and it is not -- (e.g. git
       checkout abc), and when the argument is both a valid <tree-ish>
       (e.g. a branch abc exists) and a valid <pathspec> (e.g. a file or
       a directory whose name is "abc" exists), Git would usually ask
       you to disambiguate. Because checking out a branch is so common
       an operation, however, git checkout abc takes "abc" as a
       <tree-ish> in such a situation. Use git checkout -- <pathspec> if
       you want to checkout these paths out of the index.