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   git-fast-import    ( 1 )

бэкэнд для быстрых импортеров данных Git (Backend for fast Git data importers)


When packing a blob fast-import always attempts to deltify
       against the last blob written. Unless specifically arranged for
       by the frontend, this will probably not be a prior version of the
       same file, so the generated delta will not be the smallest
       possible. The resulting packfile will be compressed, but will not
       be optimal.

Frontends which have efficient access to all revisions of a single file (for example reading an RCS/CVS ,v file) can choose to supply all revisions of that file as a sequence of consecutive blob commands. This allows fast-import to deltify the different file revisions against each other, saving space in the final packfile. Marks can be used to later identify individual file revisions during a sequence of commit commands.

The packfile(s) created by fast-import do not encourage good disk access patterns. This is caused by fast-import writing the data in the order it is received on standard input, while Git typically organizes data within packfiles to make the most recent (current tip) data appear before historical data. Git also clusters commits together, speeding up revision traversal through better cache locality.

For this reason it is strongly recommended that users repack the repository with git repack -a -d after fast-import completes, allowing Git to reorganize the packfiles for faster data access. If blob deltas are suboptimal (see above) then also adding the -f option to force recomputation of all deltas can significantly reduce the final packfile size (30-50% smaller can be quite typical).

Instead of running git repack you can also run git gc --aggressive, which will also optimize other things after an import (e.g. pack loose refs). As noted in the "AGGRESSIVE" section in git-gc(1) the --aggressive option will find new deltas with the -f option to git-repack(1). For the reasons elaborated on above using --aggressive after a fast-import is one of the few cases where it's known to be worthwhile.