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   git-fast-import    ( 1 )

бэкэнд для быстрых импортеров данных Git (Backend for fast Git data importers)


Like git push or git fetch, imports handled by fast-import are
       safe to run alongside parallel git repack -a -d or git gc
       invocations, or any other Git operation (including git prune, as
       loose objects are never used by fast-import).

fast-import does not lock the branch or tag refs it is actively importing. After the import, during its ref update phase, fast-import tests each existing branch ref to verify the update will be a fast-forward update (the commit stored in the ref is contained in the new history of the commit to be written). If the update is not a fast-forward update, fast-import will skip updating that ref and instead prints a warning message. fast-import will always attempt to update all branch refs, and does not stop on the first failure.

Branch updates can be forced with --force, but it's recommended that this only be used on an otherwise quiet repository. Using --force is not necessary for an initial import into an empty repository.