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   git-merge    ( 1 )

объедините две или более историй развития вместе (Join two or more development histories together)

Конфигурация (Configuration)

           Specify the style in which conflicted hunks are written out
           to working tree files upon merge. The default is "merge",
           which shows a <<<<<<< conflict marker, changes made by one
           side, a ======= marker, changes made by the other side, and
           then a >>>>>>> marker. An alternate style, "diff3", adds a
           ||||||| marker and the original text before the =======

merge.defaultToUpstream If merge is called without any commit argument, merge the upstream branches configured for the current branch by using their last observed values stored in their remote-tracking branches. The values of the branch.<current branch>.merge that name the branches at the remote named by branch.<current branch>.remote are consulted, and then they are mapped via remote.<remote>.fetch to their corresponding remote-tracking branches, and the tips of these tracking branches are merged. Defaults to true.

merge.ff By default, Git does not create an extra merge commit when merging a commit that is a descendant of the current commit. Instead, the tip of the current branch is fast-forwarded. When set to false, this variable tells Git to create an extra merge commit in such a case (equivalent to giving the --no-ff option from the command line). When set to only, only such fast-forward merges are allowed (equivalent to giving the --ff-only option from the command line).

merge.verifySignatures If true, this is equivalent to the --verify-signatures command line option. See git-merge(1) for details.

merge.branchdesc In addition to branch names, populate the log message with the branch description text associated with them. Defaults to false.

merge.log In addition to branch names, populate the log message with at most the specified number of one-line descriptions from the actual commits that are being merged. Defaults to false, and true is a synonym for 20.

merge.suppressDest By adding a glob that matches the names of integration branches to this multi-valued configuration variable, the default merge message computed for merges into these integration branches will omit "into <branch name>" from its title.

An element with an empty value can be used to clear the list of globs accumulated from previous configuration entries. When there is no merge.suppressDest variable defined, the default value of master is used for backward compatibility.

merge.renameLimit The number of files to consider in the exhaustive portion of rename detection during a merge. If not specified, defaults to the value of diff.renameLimit. If neither merge.renameLimit nor diff.renameLimit are specified, currently defaults to 7000. This setting has no effect if rename detection is turned off.

merge.renames Whether Git detects renames. If set to "false", rename detection is disabled. If set to "true", basic rename detection is enabled. Defaults to the value of diff.renames.

merge.directoryRenames Whether Git detects directory renames, affecting what happens at merge time to new files added to a directory on one side of history when that directory was renamed on the other side of history. If merge.directoryRenames is set to "false", directory rename detection is disabled, meaning that such new files will be left behind in the old directory. If set to "true", directory rename detection is enabled, meaning that such new files will be moved into the new directory. If set to "conflict", a conflict will be reported for such paths. If merge.renames is false, merge.directoryRenames is ignored and treated as false. Defaults to "conflict".

merge.renormalize Tell Git that canonical representation of files in the repository has changed over time (e.g. earlier commits record text files with CRLF line endings, but recent ones use LF line endings). In such a repository, Git can convert the data recorded in commits to a canonical form before performing a merge to reduce unnecessary conflicts. For more information, see section "Merging branches with differing checkin/checkout attributes" in gitattributes(5).

merge.stat Whether to print the diffstat between ORIG_HEAD and the merge result at the end of the merge. True by default.

merge.autoStash When set to true, automatically create a temporary stash entry before the operation begins, and apply it after the operation ends. This means that you can run merge on a dirty worktree. However, use with care: the final stash application after a successful merge might result in non-trivial conflicts. This option can be overridden by the --no-autostash and --autostash options of git-merge(1). Defaults to false.

merge.tool Controls which merge tool is used by git-mergetool(1). The list below shows the valid built-in values. Any other value is treated as a custom merge tool and requires that a corresponding mergetool.<tool>.cmd variable is defined.

merge.guitool Controls which merge tool is used by git-mergetool(1) when the -g/--gui flag is specified. The list below shows the valid built-in values. Any other value is treated as a custom merge tool and requires that a corresponding mergetool.<guitool>.cmd variable is defined.

• araxis

• bc

• bc3

• bc4

• codecompare

• deltawalker

• diffmerge

• diffuse

• ecmerge

• emerge

• examdiff

• guiffy

• gvimdiff

• gvimdiff1

• gvimdiff2

• gvimdiff3

• kdiff3

• meld

• nvimdiff

• nvimdiff1

• nvimdiff2

• nvimdiff3

• opendiff

• p4merge

• smerge

• tkdiff

• tortoisemerge

• vimdiff

• vimdiff1

• vimdiff2

• vimdiff3

• winmerge

• xxdiff

merge.verbosity Controls the amount of output shown by the recursive merge strategy. Level 0 outputs nothing except a final error message if conflicts were detected. Level 1 outputs only conflicts, 2 outputs conflicts and file changes. Level 5 and above outputs debugging information. The default is level 2. Can be overridden by the GIT_MERGE_VERBOSITY environment variable.

merge.<driver>.name Defines a human-readable name for a custom low-level merge driver. See gitattributes(5) for details.

merge.<driver>.driver Defines the command that implements a custom low-level merge driver. See gitattributes(5) for details.

merge.<driver>.recursive Names a low-level merge driver to be used when performing an internal merge between common ancestors. See gitattributes(5) for details.

branch.<name>.mergeOptions Sets default options for merging into branch <name>. The syntax and supported options are the same as those of git merge, but option values containing whitespace characters are currently not supported.