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   keyctl_update    ( 3 )

обновить ключ (update a key)

Имя (Name)

keyctl_update - update a key

Синопсис (Synopsis)

#include <keyutils.h>

long keyctl_update(key_serial_t key, const void *payload, size_t plen);

Описание (Description)

keyctl_update() updates the payload of a key if the key type
       permits it.

The caller must have write permission on a key to be able to update it.

payload and plen specify the data for the new payload. payload may be NULL and plen may be zero if the key type permits that. The key type may reject the data if it's in the wrong format or in some other way invalid.

Возвращаемое значение (Return value)

On success keyctl_update() returns 0.  On error, the value -1
       will be returned and errno will have been set to an appropriate

Ошибки (Error)

ENOKEY The key specified is invalid.

EKEYEXPIRED The key specified has expired.

EKEYREVOKED The key specified had been revoked.

EINVAL The payload data was invalid.

ENOMEM Insufficient memory to store the new payload.

EDQUOT The key quota for this user would be exceeded by increasing the size of the key to accommodate the new payload.

EACCES The key exists, but is not writable by the calling process.

EOPNOTSUPP The key type does not support the update operation on its keys.

Ссылки (Linking)

This is a library function that can be found in libkeyutils.
       When linking, -lkeyutils should be specified to the linker.

Смотри также (See also)

keyctl(1), add_key(2), keyctl(2), request_key(2), keyctl(3),
       keyrings(7), keyutils(7)