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   gitweb    ( 1 )

веб-интерфейс Git (веб-интерфейс для репозиториев Git) (Git web interface (web frontend to Git repositories))

  Name  |  Synopsis  |  Description  |  Configuration  |  Actions, and urls  |    Webserver configuration    |  Advanced web server setup  |  Bugs  |  See also  |  Note  |


This section explains how to configure some common webservers to
       run gitweb. In all cases, /path/to/gitweb in the examples is the
       directory you ran installed gitweb in, and contains

If you've configured a web server that isn't listed here for gitweb, please send in the instructions so they can be included in a future release.

Apache as CGI Apache must be configured to support CGI scripts in the directory in which gitweb is installed. Let's assume that it is /var/www/cgi-bin directory.

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/var/www/cgi-bin/"

<Directory "/var/www/cgi-bin"> Options Indexes FollowSymlinks ExecCGI AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory>

With that configuration the full path to browse repositories would be:


Apache with mod_perl, via ModPerl::Registry You can use mod_perl with gitweb. You must install Apache::Registry (for mod_perl 1.x) or ModPerl::Registry (for mod_perl 2.x) to enable this support.

Assuming that gitweb is installed to /var/www/perl, the following Apache configuration (for mod_perl 2.x) is suitable.

Alias /perl "/var/www/perl"

<Directory "/var/www/perl"> SetHandler perl-script PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry PerlOptions +ParseHeaders Options Indexes FollowSymlinks +ExecCGI AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory>

With that configuration the full path to browse repositories would be:


Apache with FastCGI Gitweb works with Apache and FastCGI. First you need to rename, copy or symlink gitweb.cgi to gitweb.fcgi. Let's assume that gitweb is installed in /usr/share/gitweb directory. The following Apache configuration is suitable (UNTESTED!)

FastCgiServer /usr/share/gitweb/gitweb.cgi ScriptAlias /gitweb /usr/share/gitweb/gitweb.cgi

Alias /gitweb/static /usr/share/gitweb/static <Directory /usr/share/gitweb/static> SetHandler default-handler </Directory>

With that configuration the full path to browse repositories would be:
