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   gitweb    ( 1 )

веб-интерфейс Git (веб-интерфейс для репозиториев Git) (Git web interface (web frontend to Git repositories))


Gitweb can use path_info (component) based URLs, or it can pass
       all necessary information via query parameters. The typical
       gitweb URLs are broken down in to five components:


repo The repository the action will be performed on.

All actions except for those that list all available projects, in whatever form, require this parameter.

action The action that will be run. Defaults to projects_list if repo is not set, and to summary otherwise.

revision Revision shown. Defaults to HEAD.

path The path within the <repository> that the action is performed on, for those actions that require it.

arguments Any arguments that control the behaviour of the action.

Some actions require or allow to specify two revisions, and sometimes even two pathnames. In most general form such path_info (component) based gitweb URL looks like this:


Each action is implemented as a subroutine, and must be present in %actions hash. Some actions are disabled by default, and must be turned on via feature mechanism. For example to enable blame view add the following to gitweb configuration file:

$feature{'blame'}{'default'} = [1];

Actions: The standard actions are:

project_list Lists the available Git repositories. This is the default command if no repository is specified in the URL.

summary Displays summary about given repository. This is the default command if no action is specified in URL, and only repository is specified.

heads, remotes Lists all local or all remote-tracking branches in given repository.

The latter is not available by default, unless configured.

tags List all tags (lightweight and annotated) in given repository.

blob, tree Shows the files and directories in a given repository path, at given revision. This is default command if no action is specified in the URL, and path is given.

blob_plain Returns the raw data for the file in given repository, at given path and revision. Links to this action are marked raw.

blobdiff Shows the difference between two revisions of the same file.

blame, blame_incremental Shows the blame (also called annotation) information for a file. On a per line basis it shows the revision in which that line was last changed and the user that committed the change. The incremental version (which if configured is used automatically when JavaScript is enabled) uses Ajax to incrementally add blame info to the contents of given file.

This action is disabled by default for performance reasons.

commit, commitdiff Shows information about a specific commit in a repository. The commit view shows information about commit in more detail, the commitdiff action shows changeset for given commit.

patch Returns the commit in plain text mail format, suitable for applying with git-am(1).

tag Display specific annotated tag (tag object).

log, shortlog Shows log information (commit message or just commit subject) for a given branch (starting from given revision).

The shortlog view is more compact; it shows one commit per line.

history Shows history of the file or directory in a given repository path, starting from given revision (defaults to HEAD, i.e. default branch).

This view is similar to shortlog view.

rss, atom Generates an RSS (or Atom) feed of changes to repository.