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   gitweb    ( 1 )

веб-интерфейс Git (веб-интерфейс для репозиториев Git) (Git web interface (web frontend to Git repositories))

  Name  |  Synopsis  |  Description  |  Configuration  |  Actions, and urls  |  Webserver configuration  |    Advanced web server setup    |  Bugs  |  See also  |  Note  |


All of those examples use request rewriting, and need mod_rewrite
       (or equivalent; examples below are written for Apache).

Single URL for gitweb and for fetching If you want to have one URL for both gitweb and your http:// repositories, you can configure Apache like this:

<VirtualHost *:80> ServerName git.example.org DocumentRoot /pub/git SetEnv GITWEB_CONFIG /etc/gitweb.conf

# turning on mod rewrite RewriteEngine on

# make the front page an internal rewrite to the gitweb script RewriteRule ^/$ /cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi

# make access for "dumb clients" work RewriteRule ^/(.*\.git/(?!/?(HEAD|info|objects|refs)).*)?$ \ /cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi%{REQUEST_URI} [L,PT] </VirtualHost>

The above configuration expects your public repositories to live under /pub/git and will serve them as http://git.domain.org/dir-under-pub-git , both as clonable Git URL and as browseable gitweb interface. If you then start your git-daemon(1) with --base-path=/pub/git --export-all then you can even use the git:// URL with exactly the same path.

Setting the environment variable GITWEB_CONFIG will tell gitweb to use the named file (i.e. in this example /etc/gitweb.conf) as a configuration for gitweb. You don't really need it in above example; it is required only if your configuration file is in different place than built-in (during compiling gitweb) gitweb_config.perl or /etc/gitweb.conf. See gitweb.conf(5) for details, especially information about precedence rules.

If you use the rewrite rules from the example you might also need something like the following in your gitweb configuration file (/etc/gitweb.conf following example):

@stylesheets = ("/some/absolute/path/gitweb.css"); $my_uri = "/"; $home_link = "/"; $per_request_config = 1;

Nowadays though gitweb should create HTML base tag when needed (to set base URI for relative links), so it should work automatically.

Webserver configuration with multiple projects' root If you want to use gitweb with several project roots you can edit your Apache virtual host and gitweb configuration files in the following way.

The virtual host configuration (in Apache configuration file) should look like this:

<VirtualHost *:80> ServerName git.example.org DocumentRoot /pub/git SetEnv GITWEB_CONFIG /etc/gitweb.conf

# turning on mod rewrite RewriteEngine on

# make the front page an internal rewrite to the gitweb script RewriteRule ^/$ /cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi [QSA,L,PT]

# look for a public_git folder in unix users' home # http://git.example.org/~<user>/ RewriteRule ^/\~([^\/]+)(/|/gitweb.cgi)?$ /cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi \ [QSA,E=GITWEB_PROJECTROOT:/home/$1/public_git/,L,PT]

# http://git.example.org/+<user>/ #RewriteRule ^/\+([^\/]+)(/|/gitweb.cgi)?$ /cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi \ [QSA,E=GITWEB_PROJECTROOT:/home/$1/public_git/,L,PT]

# http://git.example.org/user/<user>/ #RewriteRule ^/user/([^\/]+)/(gitweb.cgi)?$ /cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi \ [QSA,E=GITWEB_PROJECTROOT:/home/$1/public_git/,L,PT]

# defined list of project roots RewriteRule ^/scm(/|/gitweb.cgi)?$ /cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi \ [QSA,E=GITWEB_PROJECTROOT:/pub/scm/,L,PT] RewriteRule ^/var(/|/gitweb.cgi)?$ /cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi \ [QSA,E=GITWEB_PROJECTROOT:/var/git/,L,PT]

# make access for "dumb clients" work RewriteRule ^/(.*\.git/(?!/?(HEAD|info|objects|refs)).*)?$ \ /cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi%{REQUEST_URI} [L,PT] </VirtualHost>

Here actual project root is passed to gitweb via GITWEB_PROJECT_ROOT environment variable from a web server, so you need to put the following line in gitweb configuration file (/etc/gitweb.conf in above example):

$projectroot = $ENV{'GITWEB_PROJECTROOT'} || "/pub/git";

Note that this requires to be set for each request, so either $per_request_config must be false, or the above must be put in code referenced by $per_request_config;

These configurations enable two things. First, each unix user (<user>) of the server will be able to browse through gitweb Git repositories found in ~/public_git/ with the following url:


If you do not want this feature on your server just remove the second rewrite rule.

If you already use 'mod_userdir` in your virtual host or you don't want to use the '~' as first character, just comment or remove the second rewrite rule, and uncomment one of the following according to what you want.

Second, repositories found in /pub/scm/ and /var/git/ will be accessible through http://git.example.org/scm/ and http://git.example.org/var/ . You can add as many project roots as you want by adding rewrite rules like the third and the fourth.

PATH_INFO usage If you enable PATH_INFO usage in gitweb by putting

$feature{'pathinfo'}{'default'} = [1];

in your gitweb configuration file, it is possible to set up your server so that it consumes and produces URLs in the form


i.e. without gitweb.cgi part, by using a configuration such as the following. This configuration assumes that /var/www/gitweb is the DocumentRoot of your webserver, contains the gitweb.cgi script and complementary static files (stylesheet, favicon, JavaScript):

<VirtualHost *:80> ServerAlias git.example.com

DocumentRoot /var/www/gitweb

<Directory /var/www/gitweb> Options ExecCGI AddHandler cgi-script cgi

DirectoryIndex gitweb.cgi

RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^.* /gitweb.cgi/$0 [L,PT] </Directory> </VirtualHost>

The rewrite rule guarantees that existing static files will be properly served, whereas any other URL will be passed to gitweb as PATH_INFO parameter.

Notice that in this case you don't need special settings for @stylesheets, $my_uri and $home_link, but you lose "dumb client" access to your project .git dirs (described in "Single URL for gitweb and for fetching" section). A possible workaround for the latter is the following: in your project root dir (e.g. /pub/git) have the projects named without a .git extension (e.g. /pub/git/project instead of /pub/git/project.git) and configure Apache as follows:

<VirtualHost *:80> ServerAlias git.example.com

DocumentRoot /var/www/gitweb

AliasMatch ^(/.*?)(\.git)(/.*)?$ /pub/git$1$3 <Directory /var/www/gitweb> Options ExecCGI AddHandler cgi-script cgi

DirectoryIndex gitweb.cgi

RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^.* /gitweb.cgi/$0 [L,PT] </Directory> </VirtualHost>

The additional AliasMatch makes it so that


will give raw access to the project's Git dir (so that the project can be cloned), while


will provide human-friendly gitweb access.

This solution is not 100% bulletproof, in the sense that if some project has a named ref (branch, tag) starting with git/, then paths such as


will fail with a 404 error.