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   groff    ( 1 )

интерфейс для системы форматирования документов GNU roff (front end to the GNU roff document formatting system)

  Name  |  Synopsis  |    Description    |  Options  |  Usage  |  Environment  |  Examples  |  Note  |  Bugs  |  Installation directories  |  Availability  |  See also  |

Описание (Description)

groff is the primary front end to the GNU roff document
       formatting system.  GNU roff transforms text input files into
       typeset output in a variety of formats, such as PDF and HTML.  It
       is also used to format man pages for viewing on terminals.  The
       groff command orchestrates the execution of preprocessors, the
       loading of macro packages, the formatting of input documents, and
       the production of output appropriate to a variety of hardware
       devices and file formats.