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   groffer    ( 1 )

отображать файлы groff и справочные страницы на X и tty (display groff files and man pages on X and tty)

Описание (Description)

The groffer program is the easiest way to use groff(1).  It can
       display arbitrary documents written in the groff language, see
       groff(7), or other roff languages, see roff(7), that are
       compatible to the original troff language.  It finds and runs all
       necessary groff preprocessors, such as chem.

The groffer program also includes many of the features for finding and displaying the Unix manual pages (man pages), such that it can be used as a replacement for a man(1) program. Moreover, compressed files that can be handled by gzip(1) or bzip2(1) are decompressed on-the-fly.

The normal usage is quite simple by supplying a file name or name of a man page without further options. But the option handling has many possibilities for creating special behaviors. This can be done either in configuration files, with the shell environment variable GROFFER_OPT, or on the command line.

The output can be generated and viewed in several different ways available for groff. This includes the X Window System-based groff program gxditview(1), each PostScript, PDF, or DVI display program, a web browser by generating HTML or XHTML in www mode, or several text modes in text terminals.

Most of the options that must be named when running groff directly are determined automatically for groffer, due to the internal usage of the grog(1) program. But all parts can also be controlled manually by arguments.

Several file names can be specified on the command-line arguments. They are transformed into a single document in the normal way of groff.

Option handling is done in GNU style. Options and file names can be mixed freely. The option '--' closes the option handling, all following arguments are treated as file names. Long options can be abbreviated in several ways.