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   groffer    ( 1 )

отображать файлы groff и справочные страницы на X и tty (display groff files and man pages on X and tty)

Совместимость (Compatibility)

The groffer program is written in Perl, the Perl version during
       writing was v5.8.8.

groffer provides its own parser for command-line arguments that is compatible to both POSIX getopts(1) and GNU getopt(1). It can handle option arguments and file names containing white space and a large set of special characters. The following standard types of options are supported.

* The option consisting of a single minus - refers to standard input.

* A single minus followed by characters refers to a single character option or a combination thereof; for example, the groffer short option combination -Qmfoo is equivalent to -Q -m foo.

* Long options are options with names longer than one character; they are always preceded by a double minus. An option argument can either go to the next command-line argument or be appended with an equal sign to the argument; for example, --long=arg is equivalent to --long arg.

* An argument of -- ends option parsing; all further command-line arguments are interpreted as filespec parameters, i.e. file names or constructs for searching man pages).

* All command-line arguments that are neither options nor option arguments are interpreted as filespec parameters and stored until option parsing has finished. For example, the command line

sh# groffer file1 -a -o arg file2

is equivalent to

sh# groffer -a -o arg -- file1 file2

The free mixing of options and filespec parameters follows the GNU principle. That does not fulfill the strange option behavior of POSIX that ends option processing as soon as the first non- option argument has been reached. The end of option processing can be forced by the option '--' anyway.