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   c99.1p    ( 1 )

компилировать стандартные программы на C (compile standard C programs)

Операнды (Operands)

The application shall ensure that at least one pathname operand
       is specified. The following forms for pathname operands shall be

file.c A C-language source file to be compiled and optionally linked. The application shall ensure that the operand is of this form if the -c option is used.

file.a A library of object files typically produced by the ar utility, and passed directly to the link editor. Implementations may recognize implementation-defined suffixes other than .a as denoting object file libraries.

file.o An object file produced by c99 -c and passed directly to the link editor. Implementations may recognize implementation-defined suffixes other than .o as denoting object files.

The processing of other files is implementation-defined.