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   id.1p    ( 1 )

вернуть личность пользователя (return user identity)

Пролог (Prolog)

This manual page is part of the POSIX Programmer's Manual.  The
       Linux implementation of this interface may differ (consult the
       corresponding Linux manual page for details of Linux behavior),
       or the interface may not be implemented on Linux.

Имя (Name)

id — return user identity

Синопсис (Synopsis)

id [user]

id -G [-n] [user]

id -g [-nr] [user]

id -u [-nr] [user]

Описание (Description)

If no user operand is provided, the id utility shall write the
       user and group IDs and the corresponding user and group names of
       the invoking process to standard output. If the effective and
       real IDs do not match, both shall be written. If multiple groups
       are supported by the underlying system (see the description of
       {NGROUPS_MAX} in the System Interfaces volume of POSIX.1‐2017),
       the supplementary group affiliations of the invoking process
       shall also be written.

If a user operand is provided and the process has appropriate privileges, the user and group IDs of the selected user shall be written. In this case, effective IDs shall be assumed to be identical to real IDs. If the selected user has more than one allowable group membership listed in the group database, these shall be written in the same manner as the supplementary groups described in the preceding paragraph.

Параметры (Options)

The id utility shall conform to the Base Definitions volume of
       POSIX.1‐2017, Section 12.2, Utility Syntax Guidelines.

The following options shall be supported:

-G Output all different group IDs (effective, real, and supplementary) only, using the format "%u\n". If there is more than one distinct group affiliation, output each such affiliation, using the format " %u", before the <newline> is output.

-g Output only the effective group ID, using the format "%u\n".

-n Output the name in the format "%s" instead of the numeric ID using the format "%u".

-r Output the real ID instead of the effective ID.

-u Output only the effective user ID, using the format "%u\n".

Операнды (Operands)

The following operand shall be supported:

user The login name for which information is to be written.

Стандартный ввод (Stdin)

Not used.

Входные файлы (Input files)


Переменные окружения (Environment variables)

The following environment variables shall affect the execution of

LANG Provide a default value for the internationalization variables that are unset or null. (See the Base Definitions volume of POSIX.1‐2017, Section 8.2, Internationalization Variables for the precedence of internationalization variables used to determine the values of locale categories.)

LC_ALL If set to a non-empty string value, override the values of all the other internationalization variables.

LC_CTYPE Determine the locale for the interpretation of sequences of bytes of text data as characters (for example, single-byte as opposed to multi-byte characters in arguments).

LC_MESSAGES Determine the locale that should be used to affect the format and contents of diagnostic messages written to standard error and informative messages written to standard output.

NLSPATH Determine the location of message catalogs for the processing of LC_MESSAGES.

Асинхронные события (Asynchronous events)


Стандартный вывод (Stdout)

The following formats shall be used when the LC_MESSAGES locale
       category specifies the POSIX locale. In other locales, the
       strings uid, gid, euid, egid, and groups may be replaced with
       more appropriate strings corresponding to the locale.

"uid=%u(%s) gid=%u(%s)\n", <real user ID>, <user-name>, <real group ID>, <group-name>

If the effective and real user IDs do not match, the following shall be inserted immediately before the '\n' character in the previous format:

" euid=%u(%s)"

with the following arguments added at the end of the argument list:

<effective user ID>, <effective user-name>

If the effective and real group IDs do not match, the following shall be inserted directly before the '\n' character in the format string (and after any addition resulting from the effective and real user IDs not matching):

" egid=%u(%s)"

with the following arguments added at the end of the argument list:

<effective group-ID>, <effective group name>

If the process has supplementary group affiliations or the selected user is allowed to belong to multiple groups, the first shall be added directly before the <newline> in the format string:

" groups=%u(%s)"

with the following arguments added at the end of the argument list:

<supplementary group ID>, <supplementary group name>

and the necessary number of the following added after that for any remaining supplementary group IDs:


and the necessary number of the following arguments added at the end of the argument list:

<supplementary group ID>, <supplementary group name>

If any of the user ID, group ID, effective user ID, effective group ID, or supplementary/multiple group IDs cannot be mapped by the system into printable user or group names, the corresponding "(%s)" and name argument shall be omitted from the corresponding format string.

When any of the options are specified, the output format shall be as described in the OPTIONS section.

Стандартный вывод сообщений (Stderr)

The standard error shall be used only for diagnostic messages.

Выходные файлы (Output files)


Расширенное описание (Extended description)


Статус выхода (Exit)

The following exit values shall be returned:

0 Successful completion.

>0 An error occurred.

Последствия ошибок (Consequences of errors)


The following sections are informative.

Использование в приложениях (Application usage)

Output produced by the -G option and by the default case could
       potentially produce very long lines on systems that support large
       numbers of supplementary groups.  (On systems with user and group
       IDs that are 32-bit integers and with group names with a maximum
       of 8 bytes per name, 93 supplementary groups plus distinct
       effective and real group and user IDs could theoretically
       overflow the 2048-byte {LINE_MAX} text file line limit on the
       default output case. It would take about 186 supplementary groups
       to overflow the 2048-byte barrier using id -G).  This is not
       expected to be a problem in practice, but in cases where it is a
       concern, applications should consider using fold -s before post-
       processing the output of id.

Примеры (Examples)


Обоснование (Rationale)

The functionality provided by the 4 BSD groups utility can be
       simulated using:

id -Gn [ user ]

The 4 BSD command groups was considered, but it was not included because it did not provide the functionality of the id utility of the SVID. Also, it was thought that it would be easier to modify id to provide the additional functionality necessary to systems with multiple groups than to invent another command.

The options -u, -g, -n, and -r were added to ease the use of id with shell commands substitution. Without these options it is necessary to use some preprocessor such as sed to select the desired piece of information. Since output such as that produced by:

id -u -n

is frequently wanted, it seemed desirable to add the options.

Будущие направления (Future directions)


Смотри также (See also)

fold(1p), logname(1p), who(1p)

The Base Definitions volume of POSIX.1‐2017, Chapter 8, Environment Variables, Section 12.2, Utility Syntax Guidelines

The System Interfaces volume of POSIX.1‐2017, getgid(3p), getgroups(3p), getuid(3p)