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   init    ( 1 )

systemd менеджер по системе и сервису (systemd system and service manager)


System unit directories
           The systemd system manager reads unit configuration from
           various directories. Packages that want to install unit files
           shall place them in the directory returned by pkg-config
           systemd --variable=systemdsystemunitdir. Other directories
           checked are /usr/local/lib/systemd/system and
           /usr/lib/systemd/system. User configuration always takes
           precedence.  pkg-config systemd
           --variable=systemdsystemconfdir returns the path of the
           system configuration directory. Packages should alter the
           content of these directories only with the enable and disable
           commands of the systemctl(1) tool. Full list of directories
           is provided in systemd.unit(5).

User unit directories Similar rules apply for the user unit directories. However, here the XDG Base Directory specification[6] is followed to find units. Applications should place their unit files in the directory returned by pkg-config systemd --variable=systemduserunitdir. Global configuration is done in the directory reported by pkg-config systemd --variable=systemduserconfdir. The enable and disable commands of the systemctl(1) tool can handle both global (i.e. for all users) and private (for one user) enabling/disabling of units. Full list of directories is provided in systemd.unit(5).

SysV init scripts directory The location of the SysV init script directory varies between distributions. If systemd cannot find a native unit file for a requested service, it will look for a SysV init script of the same name (with the .service suffix removed).

SysV runlevel link farm directory The location of the SysV runlevel link farm directory varies between distributions. systemd will take the link farm into account when figuring out whether a service shall be enabled. Note that a service unit with a native unit configuration file cannot be started by activating it in the SysV runlevel link farm.