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   pcap_set_timeout.3pcap    ( 3 )

установить тайм-аут буфера пакетов для еще не активированного дескриптора захвата (set the packet buffer timeout for a not-yet-activated capture handle)

Имя (Name)

pcap_set_timeout - set the packet buffer timeout for a not-yet-
       activated capture handle

Синопсис (Synopsis)

#include <pcap/pcap.h>

int pcap_set_timeout(pcap_t *p, int to_ms);

Описание (Description)

pcap_set_timeout() sets the packet buffer timeout that will be
       used on a capture handle when the handle is activated to to_ms,
       which is in units of milliseconds.  (See pcap(3PCAP) for an
       explanation of the packet buffer timeout.)

The behavior, if the timeout isn't specified, is undefined, as is the behavior if the timeout is set to zero or to a negative value. We recommend always setting the timeout to a non-zero value unless immediate mode is set, in which case the timeout has no effect.

Возвращаемое значение (Return value)

pcap_set_timeout() returns 0 on success or PCAP_ERROR_ACTIVATED
       if called on a capture handle that has been activated.

Смотри также (See also)

pcap_create(3PCAP), pcap_activate(3PCAP),