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   readline    ( 3 )

получить строку от пользователя с редактированием (get a line from a user with editing)

  Name  |  Synopsis  |  Description  |  Return value  |  Notation  |  Initialization file  |  Searching  |  Editing commands  |    Default key bindings    |  See also  |  Files  |

Привязки ключей по умолчанию (Default key bindings)

The following is a list of the default emacs and vi bindings.
       Characters with the eighth bit set are written as M-<character>,
       and are referred to as metafied characters.  The printable ASCII
       characters not mentioned in the list of emacs standard bindings
       are bound to the self-insert function, which just inserts the
       given character into the input line.  In vi insertion mode, all
       characters not specifically mentioned are bound to self-insert.
       Characters assigned to signal generation by stty(1) or the
       terminal driver, such as C-Z or C-C, retain that function.  Upper
       and lower case metafied characters are bound to the same function
       in the emacs mode meta keymap.  The remaining characters are
       unbound, which causes readline to ring the bell (subject to the
       setting of the bell-style variable).

Emacs Mode Emacs Standard bindings

"C-@" set-mark "C-A" beginning-of-line "C-B" backward-char "C-D" delete-char "C-E" end-of-line "C-F" forward-char "C-G" abort "C-H" backward-delete-char "C-I" complete "C-J" accept-line "C-K" kill-line "C-L" clear-screen "C-M" accept-line "C-N" next-history "C-P" previous-history "C-Q" quoted-insert "C-R" reverse-search-history "C-S" forward-search-history "C-T" transpose-chars "C-U" unix-line-discard "C-V" quoted-insert "C-W" unix-word-rubout "C-Y" yank "C-]" character-search "C-_" undo " " to "/" self-insert "0" to "9" self-insert ":" to "~" self-insert "C-?" backward-delete-char

Emacs Meta bindings

"M-C-G" abort "M-C-H" backward-kill-word "M-C-I" tab-insert "M-C-J" vi-editing-mode "M-C-L" clear-display "M-C-M" vi-editing-mode "M-C-R" revert-line "M-C-Y" yank-nth-arg "M-C-[" complete "M-C-]" character-search-backward "M-space" set-mark "M-#" insert-comment "M-&" tilde-expand "M-*" insert-completions "M--" digit-argument "M-." yank-last-arg "M-0" digit-argument "M-1" digit-argument "M-2" digit-argument "M-3" digit-argument "M-4" digit-argument "M-5" digit-argument "M-6" digit-argument "M-7" digit-argument "M-8" digit-argument "M-9" digit-argument "M-<" beginning-of-history "M-=" possible-completions "M->" end-of-history "M-?" possible-completions "M-B" backward-word "M-C" capitalize-word "M-D" kill-word "M-F" forward-word "M-L" downcase-word "M-N" non-incremental-forward-search-history "M-P" non-incremental-reverse-search-history "M-R" revert-line "M-T" transpose-words "M-U" upcase-word "M-Y" yank-pop "M-\" delete-horizontal-space "M-~" tilde-expand "M-C-?" backward-kill-word "M-_" yank-last-arg

Emacs Control-X bindings

"C-XC-G" abort "C-XC-R" re-read-init-file "C-XC-U" undo "C-XC-X" exchange-point-and-mark "C-X(" start-kbd-macro "C-X)" end-kbd-macro "C-XE" call-last-kbd-macro "C-XC-?" backward-kill-line

VI Mode bindings VI Insert Mode functions

"C-D" vi-eof-maybe "C-H" backward-delete-char "C-I" complete "C-J" accept-line "C-M" accept-line "C-R" reverse-search-history "C-S" forward-search-history "C-T" transpose-chars "C-U" unix-line-discard "C-V" quoted-insert "C-W" unix-word-rubout "C-Y" yank "C-[" vi-movement-mode "C-_" undo " " to "~" self-insert "C-?" backward-delete-char

VI Command Mode functions

"C-D" vi-eof-maybe "C-E" emacs-editing-mode "C-G" abort "C-H" backward-char "C-J" accept-line "C-K" kill-line "C-L" clear-screen "C-M" accept-line "C-N" next-history "C-P" previous-history "C-Q" quoted-insert "C-R" reverse-search-history "C-S" forward-search-history "C-T" transpose-chars "C-U" unix-line-discard "C-V" quoted-insert "C-W" unix-word-rubout "C-Y" yank "C-_" vi-undo " " forward-char "#" insert-comment "$" end-of-line "%" vi-match "&" vi-tilde-expand "*" vi-complete "+" next-history "," vi-char-search "-" previous-history "." vi-redo "/" vi-search "0" beginning-of-line "1" to "9" vi-arg-digit ";" vi-char-search "=" vi-complete "?" vi-search "A" vi-append-eol "B" vi-prev-word "C" vi-change-to "D" vi-delete-to "E" vi-end-word "F" vi-char-search "G" vi-fetch-history "I" vi-insert-beg "N" vi-search-again "P" vi-put "R" vi-replace "S" vi-subst "T" vi-char-search "U" revert-line "W" vi-next-word "X" backward-delete-char "Y" vi-yank-to "\" vi-complete "^" vi-first-print "_" vi-yank-arg "`" vi-goto-mark "a" vi-append-mode "b" vi-prev-word "c" vi-change-to "d" vi-delete-to "e" vi-end-word "f" vi-char-search "h" backward-char "i" vi-insertion-mode "j" next-history "k" prev-history "l" forward-char "m" vi-set-mark "n" vi-search-again "p" vi-put "r" vi-change-char "s" vi-subst "t" vi-char-search "u" vi-undo "w" vi-next-word "x" vi-delete "y" vi-yank-to "|" vi-column "~" vi-change-case