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   regerror.3p    ( 3 )

соответствие регулярному выражению (regular expression matching)

Возвращаемое значение (Return value)

Upon successful completion, the regcomp() function shall return
       0. Otherwise, it shall return an integer value indicating an
       error as described in <regex.h>, and the content of preg is
       undefined. If a code is returned, the interpretation shall be as
       given in <regex.h>.

If regcomp() detects an invalid RE, it may return REG_BADPAT, or it may return one of the error codes that more precisely describes the error.

Upon successful completion, the regexec() function shall return 0. Otherwise, it shall return REG_NOMATCH to indicate no match.

Upon successful completion, the regerror() function shall return the number of bytes needed to hold the entire generated string, including the null termination. If the return value is greater than errbuf_size, the string returned in the buffer pointed to by errbuf has been truncated.

The regfree() function shall not return a value.