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   sctp_recvv    ( 3 )

получите сообщение от сокета SCTP с возможностью расширения (Receive a message from a SCTP socket with an extensible way.)

Имя (Name)

sctp_recvv - Receive a message from a SCTP socket with an
       extensible way.

Синопсис (Synopsis)

#include <sys/types.h>
       #include <sys/socket.h>
       #include <netinet/sctp.h>

int sctp_recvv(int sd, const struct iovec * iov, int iovlen, struct sockaddr * from, socklen_t * fromlen, void * info, socklen_t * infolen, unsigned int * infotype, int * flags);

Описание (Description)

sctp_recvv provides an extensible way for the SCTP stack to pass
       up different SCTP attributes associated with a received message
       to an application.  There are two types of attributes that can be
       returned by this call: the attribute of the received message and
       the attribute of the next message in the receive buffer.  The
       caller enables the SCTP_RECVRCVINFO and SCTP_RECVNXTINFO socket
       options, respectively, to receive these attributes.  Attributes
       of the received message are returned in struct sctp_rcvinfo, and
       attributes of the next message are returned in struct
       sctp_nxtinfo.  If both options are enabled, both attributes are
       returned using the following structure.

struct sctp_recvv_rn { struct sctp_rcvinfo recvv_rcvinfo; struct sctp_nxtinfo recvv_nxtinfo; };

sd is the socket descriptor. iov is the scatter buffer, and only one user message is returned in this buffer. iovlen is the number of elements in iov. from is a pointer to a buffer to be filled with the sender of the received message's address. fromlen is an in/out parameter describing the from length. info is a pointer to the buffer to hold the attributes of the received message, the structure type of info is determined by the info_type parameter. infolen is an in/out parameter describing the size of the info buffer. On return, infotype is set to the type of the info buffer, and the current defined values are as follows:

SCTP_RECVV_NOINFO If neither SCTP_RECVRCVINFO nor SCTP_RECVNXTINFO options are enabled, no attribute will be returned. If only the SCTP_RECVNXTINFO option is enabled but there is no next message in the buffer, no attribute will be returned. In these cases, *info_type will be set to SCTP_RECVV_NOINFO.

SCTP_RECVV_RCVINFO The type of info is struct sctp_rcvinfo, and the attribute relates to the received message.

SCTP_RECVV_NXTINFO The type of info is struct sctp_nxtinfo, and the attribute relates to the next message in the receive buffer. This is the case when only the SCTP_RECVNXTINFO option is enabled and there is a next message in the buffer.

SCTP_RECVV_RN The type of info is struct sctp_recvv_rn. The recvv_rcvinfo field is the attribute of the received message, and the recvv_nxtinfo field is the attribute of the next message in the buffer. This is the case when both SCTP_RECVRCVINFO and SCTP_RECVNXTINFO options are enabled and there is a next message in the receive buffer.

flags is pointer to an integer to be filled with any message flags (e.g., MSG_NOTIFICATION).

Возвращаемое значение (Return value)

On success, sctp_recvv returns the number of bytes received or -1
       if an error occurred.

Смотри также (See also)

sctp(7) sctp_bindx(3), sctp_connectx(3), sctp_sendmsg(3),
       sctp_sendv(3), sctp_send(3), sctp_peeloff(3), sctp_getpaddrs(3),
       sctp_getladdrs(3), sctp_opt_info(3)