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   patch    ( 1 )

применить файл сравнения к оригиналу (apply a diff file to an original)

Окружение (Environment)

          This specifies whether patch gets missing or read-only files
          from RCS, ClearCase, Perforce, or SCCS by default; see the -g
          or --get option.

POSIXLY_CORRECT If set, patch conforms more strictly to the POSIX standard by default: see the --posix option.

QUOTING_STYLE Default value of the --quoting-style option.

SIMPLE_BACKUP_SUFFIX Extension to use for simple backup file names instead of .orig.

TMPDIR, TMP, TEMP Directory to put temporary files in; patch uses the first environment variable in this list that is set. If none are set, the default is system-dependent; it is normally /tmp on Unix hosts.

VERSION_CONTROL or PATCH_VERSION_CONTROL Selects version control style; see the -v or --version-control option.