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   vscanf    ( 3 )

преобразование входного формата (input format conversion)

Примечание (Note)

The 'a' assignment-allocation modifier
       Originally, the GNU C library supported dynamic allocation for
       string inputs (as a nonstandard extension) via the a character.
       (This feature is present at least as far back as glibc 2.0.)
       Thus, one could write the following to have scanf() allocate a
       buffer for an input string, with a pointer to that buffer being
       returned in *buf:

char *buf; scanf("%as", &buf);

The use of the letter a for this purpose was problematic, since a is also specified by the ISO C standard as a synonym for f (floating-point input). POSIX.1-2008 instead specifies the m modifier for assignment allocation (as documented in DESCRIPTION, above).

Note that the a modifier is not available if the program is compiled with gcc -std=c99 or gcc -D_ISOC99_SOURCE (unless _GNU_SOURCE is also specified), in which case the a is interpreted as a specifier for floating-point numbers (see above).

Support for the m modifier was added to glibc starting with version 2.7, and new programs should use that modifier instead of a.

As well as being standardized by POSIX, the m modifier has the following further advantages over the use of a:

* It may also be applied to %c conversion specifiers (e.g., %3mc).

* It avoids ambiguity with respect to the %a floating-point conversion specifier (and is unaffected by gcc -std=c99 etc.).