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   pcp2json    ( 1 )

экспортер метрик pcp-to-json (pcp-to-json metrics exporter)

  Name  |  Synopsis  |  Description  |    Config file    |  Options  |  Files  |  Pcp environment  |  See also  |

Конфигурационный файл (Config file)

pcp2json uses a configuration file with overall syntax described
       in pmrep.conf(5).  The following options are common with
       pmrep.conf: version, source, speclocal, derived, header, globals,
       samples, interval, type, type_prefer, ignore_incompat,
       names_change, instances, live_filter, rank, limit_filter,
       limit_filter_force, invert_filter, predicate, omit_flat,
       include_labels, precision, precision_force, count_scale,
       count_scale_force, space_scale, space_scale_force, time_scale,
       time_scale_force.  The output option is recognized but ignored
       for pmrep.conf compatibility.

pcp2json specific options extended (boolean) Write extended information about metrics. Corresponding command line option is -x. Default is no.

everything (boolean) Write everything known about metrics, including PCP internal IDs. Labels are, however, omitted for backward compatibility, use include_labels yes to include them as well. Corresponding command line option is -X. Default is no.

exact_types (boolean) Write numbers as number data types, not as strings, potentially losing some precision. Corresponding command line option is -E. Default is no.