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   pcp2XXX    ( 1 )

экспортер показателей pcp-to-XXX (pcp-to-XXX metrics exporter)

  Name  |  Synopsis  |    Description    |  Config file  |  Options  |  Files  |  Pcp environment  |  See also  |

Описание (Description)

pcp2XXX is a customizable performance metrics exporter tool from
       PCP to XXX.  Any available performance metric, live or archived,
       system and/or application, can be selected for exporting using
       either command line arguments or a configuration file.

pcp2XXX is a close relative of pmrep(1). Refer to pmrep(1) for the metricspec description accepted on pcp2XXX command line. See pmrep.conf(5) for description of the pcp2XXX.conf configuration file overall syntax. This page describes pcp2XXX specific options and configuration file differences with pmrep.conf(5). pmrep(1) also lists some usage examples of which most are applicable with pcp2XXX as well.

Only the command line options listed on this page are supported, other options recognized by pmrep(1) are not supported.

Options via environment values (see pmGetOptions(3)) override the corresponding built-in default values (if any). Configuration file options override the corresponding environment variables (if any). Command line options override the corresponding configuration file options (if any).