описывает файл определения локали (describes a locale definition file)
Примечание (Note)
The collective GNU C library community wisdom regarding abday,
day, week, first_weekday, and first_workday states at
https://sourceware.org/glibc/wiki/Locales the following:
* The value of the second week list item specifies the base of
the abday and day lists.
* first_weekday specifies the offset of the first day-of-week in
the abday and day lists.
* For compatibility reasons, all glibc locales should set the
value of the second week list item to 19971130
(Sunday) and
base the abday and day lists appropriately, and set
first_weekday and first_workday to 1
or 2
, depending on
whether the week and work week actually starts on Sunday or
Monday for the locale.