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схема базы данных OVN_Northbound (OVN_Northbound database schema)

Port_Group TABLE

Each row in this table represents a named group of logical switch

Port groups may be used in the match column of the ACL table. For syntax information, see the details of the expression language used for the match column in the Logical_Flow table of the OVN_Southbound database.

For each port group, there are two address sets generated to the Address_Set table of the OVN_Southbound database, containing the IP addresses of the group of ports, one for IPv4, and the other for IPv6, with name being the name of the Port_Group followed by a suffix _ip4 for IPv4 and _ip6 for IPv6. The generated address sets can be used in the same way as regular address sets in the match column of the ACL table. For syntax information, see the details of the expression language used for the match column in the Logical_Flow table of the OVN_Southbound database.

Summary: name string (must be unique within table) ports set of weak reference to Logical_Switch_Ports acls set of ACLs Common Columns: external_ids map of string-string pairs

Details: name: string (must be unique within table) A name for the port group. Names are ASCII and must match [a-zA-Z_.][a-zA-Z_.0-9]*.

ports: set of weak reference to Logical_Switch_Ports The logical switch ports belonging to the group in uuids.

acls: set of ACLs Access control rules that apply to the port group. Applying an ACL to a port group has the same effect as applying the ACL to all logical lswitches that the ports of the port group belong to.

Common Columns:

external_ids: map of string-string pairs See External IDs at the beginning of this document.